Benitatxell shone in its celebration of October 9 with the talent of musical associations Benitatxell shone in its celebration of October 9 with the talent of musical associations

Benitatxell shone in its celebration of October 9 with the talent of musical associations

10 October 2022 - 18: 11

The Poble Nou de Benitatxell celebrated October 9 with the union of local associations and groups involved in a very participatory day that fostered brotherhood ties and valued identity as a town.

This year, a historic event occurred at this party. For the first time, music associations pooled their talent to offer joint performances. The Parish Choir began the cycle of concerts. Later, the Colla La Llebetjà and the Grup de Danses Morro Falquí offered a joint piece. Next, the Santa María Magdalena Municipal Music Association (Banda), the Parish Choir and the Colla La Llebetjà joined forces. And, finally, the great climax was put by the Band and the Colla with a masterful interpretation of La Muixeranga, a symbol of identity of the Valencian people.

Before, there were storytellers and a pin workshop for the little ones. And throughout the day the exhibitions 'Temps militars' were exhibited, by the Associació de veïns del Poble Nou de Benitatxell; the posters about 9 d'Octubre made by the students of the CEIP Santa Maria Magdalena and organized by the AMPA, and the exhibition of bolillo by the Associació de Dones.

At lunchtime, hundreds of people gathered in the street for the fellowship meal offered by the 2023 festeros and festeros. In the afternoon, the day continued with music by Toni Català organized by the Association of Retirees and Pensioners and hot chocolate offered by the Associació de Dones. In addition, throughout the day, there was a bar service by the Festeros 2023.

Sunday was not the only day of events for the 9 d'Octubre. On Friday, September 30, the talk-conference 'Joan Fuster, el nostre escritor' took place by Isidre Crespo and presented by Vicent Serra, from 'Esmorzars de la Terra'. On Friday, October 7, the Colla del Portitxol and Pep Gimeno 'Botifarra' offered the concert 'El dolçainer del Portitxol'. And on Saturday the 8th there was an afternoon by the Festeros and the theater 'You're driving me crazy', by The Seven Comedians.

In addition, from October 6 to 20, the exhibition 'Espart és part de la solució' on esparto work is available at the Municipal Library, and on October 14 the presentation of the book 'Soldats de Lleva ', by the villager Josep Colomer.

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