Benissa seeks a new name for the crossing between Calle Castellón and Santa Bárbara Benissa seeks a new name for the crossing between Calle Castellón and Santa Bárbara

Benissa seeks a new name for the crossing between Calle Castellón and Santa Bárbara

13 July 2022 - 12: 34

The Department of Equality of Benissa has opened a participatory process through which it asks its citizens to vote for a new name for the crossing located between Calle Castellón and Santa Bárbara.

It is an initiative that was born within the Consell de Igualtat, a consultative and non-binding body of Benissa whose proposals and opinions are valued by the delegate councilor Lorena Ivars.

The survey will be disseminated through the different communication channels that the city council has and will propose the choice of four options:

  • Travessia of the dressmakers
  • Travessia of the brodadores
  • Travessia of the lateres
  • Crossing of the llavaneres

The questionnaire will remain open for a week, until July 20, and any citizen of Benissa can participate.

You can vote through the following link.

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