«Balance sheet of 2024» «Balance sheet of 2024»
January 07 from 2025 - 11: 39

OPINION | Sergi Ferrús, mayor Pedreguer

The pass said, 2nd day, will kindly invite Onda Cero Dénia Marina Alta to its radio program 'Más de uno' for the balance of any 2024, and will donate to reflect on all that during 12 mesos frenètics hem pogut portar endavant.

2024 is a condition for the extension of the budget. For the first time since 2012, in which the Regidoria d'Hisenda of our City Council is about to take over, it is not possible to approve the budgets, given the refusal of the opposition groups to bid, as are the totalitarian practice of the municipalities of the region i the country, the impost that nodreix in great measure the municipal arches, l'IBI. For now, we have made money through credit modifications, profiting from the money (depending on the millions and thousands of euros) that our City Council has at its disposal. The downside is that these diners cannot spend them on other things.

It was announced with three good news: the completion of the works on the Castell de l'Ocaive, the signature of an agreement with the Consorci MaRe pel which is cedix our ecoparc, prior expansion, for the regional i Obviously, the tender for the health center is the penultimate step for reality: Companies interested in the construction project have until the 23rd of June to submit offers; After the award, it will take 18 months to execute it.

In general terms, 2024 is scheduled for Pedreguer for the consolidation of the selective waste collection system; for the application of the Relació de Llocs de Treball approved in 2023, for the stabilization of the workforce in the terms marked by the Ministeri, for the continuation of millions in the Galgues industrial estate, for the most part of the Management Entitat i Millora d'Àrees Industrials les Galgues; or for the consolidation of Pedreguer's presence in Europe.

Regarding particular actions, and if it seems to be exhaustive, I would like to mention a few things that all and every body of the councils of our City Council have carried out.

In order to support Youth and Childhood, the Local Council of Children and Adolescents has been created, which has had a lot of good support, and which has contributed to a whole series of proposals, which have either been carried out or are being implemented. . It is also possible to celebrate the III Youth Forum. Under the motto 'Transform Pedreguer', a participatory space for young people to debate and propose. This event has included the participation of more than 200 young people. Furthermore, it will begin in 2024 and continue to implement the Change Makers Arena Project: play your part, a European project with the collaboration of the Portuguese municipalities of Paredes i Mealhada. This presents an innovation in the field of youth participation and is in line with the objectives set by the Erasmus+ program: promoting the active participation of young people in European democratic life, promoting intercanvis, cooperation and civic and cultural actions, both planned: Madrid and Brussels.

In Education, the young people of Pedreguer and the old families have returned to share both the aid to higher education and the emergency fund. Higher studies: budgetary endowment of 15.000 euros (esgotats); 750 for university studies and 450 euros for higher-level professional training studies.

Assistance from the emergency fund: budget allocation of 5.000 euros for school supplies. Enguany has only been tendered and awarded 2.300 euros.

In Animal Welfare, I would like to highlight the drafting of the ethical management plan for feline colonies; As for Commerce and the revitalization of the economy, it is worth noting the expansion of the Rastre with its excellent functioning and the great economic results it has contributed. And in Igualtat, the great citizen participation and involvement in the 8M demonstration will impact all assistance forecasts and will be a resounding success.

Here is a quick review of the 'jumping of the bush' that results from the actions carried out by Patrimony, Solidarity or the Environment, just a list of things that have been done during these 12 months:

  • 2nd Phase of the castell de l'Ocaive
  • Adequacy of the environment of the municipal water district and restoration of a scalding furnace under its power.
  • Our cooperation projects in Ecuador and Bolívia
  • Tallafocs to the Barranc de les Fonts i la Sella
  • Adaptation of a 240m tram on the Barranc de les Fonts road
  • Cooperation with the Sahara for the improvement of drinking water
  • Selected by the Generalitat with an innovative territory (led and plpif screens)
  • Recreation of the Pedreguer Cream by the Bourbons
  • Encesa dels Molinets to celebrate human rights
  • Virtual route through the Church II through the Capella del Santíssim Crist del Calvari
  • Consolidation of the Porxens
  • 2nd phase of the multifunctional nau on Col·legi street
  • International cooperation to Palestine and Ukraine
  • Environmental volunteering to prevent fires
  • Treballs of the forestry brigade for the great muntanya
  • Neteja of a tram of the barranc bo
  • Air conditioning EPA La Pista
  • Sponsorship of regional democratic memory days
  • Free distribution of products against xylella
  • Restoration and replacement of 2 antique and original lanterns at La Glorieta
  • Restoration of the Pou del Posmó

D'Esports, with collaboration with Health, has organized the inn in Marx of the 'en moviment' program. This program, in which the Department of Universal Health and Public Health, the Department of Culture and Sports and
The City Council of Pedreguer intends to highlight the prescription of activity and physical exercise aimed at health from Primary Care.

It is aimed primarily at population groups of people with pathologies that require activity guidelines and/or physical exercise, as well as inactive people. I will say that Pedreguer has continued to be a pioneer in our region when it comes to launching this program and that, on the other hand, it has been very well received among the users who have participated in it.

They have continued to sponsor local athletes: the Regidoria d'Esports continues to donate support to local athletes who practice minority esports, such as Pere Ribes (Valencian driver), Víctor Ortega (motorcycling) and Joel Noguera ( MTB).

Also, in the line of sponsorships, any of the Pedreguer City Council, in addition to sponsoring a team in the Lliga CaixaBank Pro1 for climbing and rope, also has another in the Lliga CaixaBank Pro1 for women's raspalls.

Among the European Projects related to Esports, we highlight:

  • Olympic Kids, xiquets corrent cap als Jocs Olímpics: on the xiquetes and xiquets of the Pedreguer athletics school have been able to participate in this project.
  • Not only will the program be fully scheduled throughout the year, but more than 6 of them will be able to travel to Athens to participate in sports events, along with other teams and teams from other countries that also participate in the project. Grècia, Italy, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia.

    Subsequently, the participating mates will be able to travel to Paris, to be able to attend the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paralympic Games, and also be able to see some Paralympic swimming events.

  • EQUAL: the EQUAL program starts: train the crystal basketball hat. This program will start last November and will last for 2 years. Players from the basketball school will participate in it.
    Pedreguer. In addition to Pedreguer, associations and clubs from: Xipre, Croatia, Portugal and Turkey will participate in this program.
  • As is usually the case, Municipal Services have done very well, the band of the many usual activities that it carries out, actions such as:

    • Installation of luminaires in the Sella urbanization: the installation of 160 photovoltaic luminaires will be carried out, to replace the old luminaires, which function while connected to the electrical network, for some autonomous people, donat that these luminaires are powered by solar energy.
    • Municipal cement pond net: The cement pond is a pile of spare parts and reflected on by the residents of Pedreguer and, therefore, it is necessary that it is maintained in good condition. With this objective, the City Council will coordinate a complete cleaning operation, which will include the removal of waste and the cleaning of surfaces.
    • The mobile ecoparc will now serve Pedreguer: from April 19, the mobile ecoparc will be installed in the main square on the streets and streets of our town can dispose of the waste from the street that is not part of it. throw into the usual container, com, per example, xicotets electrodomèstics, electronic devices, batteries and batteries, mobile phones, olis, aerosols, coffee capsules and ink cartridges, among others.
    • Door by Door: Pedreguer, thanks to its door-to-door urban household waste collection system, has not only made it possible to apply the objectives marked in Europe, but in some cases it doubles, applying 80% selective separation (75 % in the case of large producers). These facts aim to be a reference at the state level, exporting and exhibiting its model to areas as different as Ecofira, to Extremadura, Andalusia or other Valencian municipalities (the separation mitjana in the rest of the Spanish state is from 36 %)
    • I, however, has finally signed the transfer agreement with the Zonal Waste Management Consortium, for the management of the Pedreguer Ecoparc. With this, the Consorci will share a regional ecopark (the first in the Marina Alta), which will serve as a logistical base for the eco-mobiles and will provide an important economic and environmental status.
    • This cessio will also mean an increase in the useful space of the ecoparc (which will take time to carry out some adaptation works), and an increase in the opening hours, which will mean a million of the served the citizens.

      Regarding Public Works, the accidents in the stormwater works and the effects on the municipal sports center have been notable, with a significant amount of this installation having been completed, highlighting the following interventions: change of gas, comprehensive renovation of the locker rooms of Phase 1, waterproofing of the stands.

      On the other hand, we have continued to invest in the majority of the Galgues industrial estate. The works to be carried out in this 2024 have followed: increasing the traffic of the cycle path and increasing the number of green areas, increasing the provision of cameras for surveillance through CCTV, public lighting (the replacement of the lights that remain in the steam polygon of sodium, sent replaced by lights of LED technology, with high efficiency energy), serve against fires: the provision of hydrants is increased in certain points, strategies of the polygon, parking for trucks: a parking for trucks will be enabled at the coast of the ecoparc.

      This has been the fruitful reflection (which is not complete, since it is still in the pipeline) that will provoke the kind invitation of Ángel Serrano, from Onda Cero, for the balance of 2024. What do you see in the future? Doncs, among other things, see the work of the health center begin; reprimands the projects of the expansion of the residence or the rehabilitation of the Musical; try to realitat an intergenerational space; I look for public parking. The general plan, to enlarge the polygon oquins, to continue promoting the industry to maintain the excellent natural resources; maintain and improve our project in Europe… and, of course, approve our budgets.

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