More than 20 million euros to protect the Baths of the Queen of Calp More than 20 million euros to protect the Baths of the Queen of Calp

More than 20 million euros to protect the Baths of the Queen of Calp

27 September 2021 - 14: 46

The Baths of the Queen Special Commission met last Friday unanimously approved by its members to start the procedure for processing the Baths of the Queen Special Plan that will protect this Roman site from any urban pressure and at the same time initiate the process of acquisition of land. It should be remembered that two weeks ago the news was known that this site had lost the protection of Asset of Cultural Interest, due to the expiration of the procedure.

The Special Information Commission of Baños de la Reina includes the government team and representatives of all municipal groups as well as the team that drafts the MARQ Master Plan and representatives of the Generalitat and the Provincial Government.

The Commission presented the draft of the Special Plan prepared by the urban planner Gerardo Roger that establishes the protection limits and proposes acquiring the lands contemplated within the BIC through compulsory expropriation.

The team of the urban planner Gerardo Roger, advisor to the City Council, has already quantified the cost of the acquisition of all the plots of Baños de la Reina that today are privately owned at a total of 26 million euros. From this figure it would be necessary to subtract the 5 million of one of the plots already acquired by the City Council in its day exchanging the plot for another located in Partial Plan 2, in which the Real Estate Complex approved in the last plenary session will now be developed. .

The proposal is that the City Council be the expropriating agent and the Consellería the beneficiary entity, assuming the cost and ownership of the land. In addition, with the urban development derived from the expropriation, the Department could promote social housing in other areas of the municipality.

According to the mayor of Territory, Juan Manuel del Pino, "From the City Council we propose that these uses be allocated to social housing in the municipality, and thus provide solutions to another problem such as the lack of this type of housing."

Recently, the Baños de la Reina field has lost its BIC rating due to the expiration of the procedure and it is expected that the Department will modify this situation shortly. However, regardless of whether the Ministry is processing a new BIC declaration file, the drafting of the Special Plan helps to clarify public and private interests.

It is planned that this week a prior public consultation regarding the drafting of the “Banys de la Reina” Special Plan that will be on display for 20 days and in which citizens will be able to make the contributions they consider. After the period of public exposure, the contributions made will be collected and a draft document will be drawn up that must be submitted to the plenary session to order the beginning of the environmental evaluation, the sectorial reports made and once it has been definitively approved in the plenary session, it must be sent to the Territorial Commission. of Urbanism that will have to give the approval to the document.

The mayor of Territory, Juan Manuel del Pino, has indicated that “with the approval of this document we would have a roadmap to begin the acquisition of the land and make the area a museum. At any time, the Consell will approve the BIC declaration again and the objective of the Special Plan is to regulate the protection regulations in detail. The process will be long but an important step has already been taken ”.

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